Home News Man, whose much older mother looked after him until she died, was concerned that he wouldn’t have a place to live after her passing before he killed his brother, two sisters and niece during a meeting to discuss the sale of the home

Man, whose much older mother looked after him until she died, was concerned that he wouldn’t have a place to live after her passing before he killed his brother, two sisters and niece during a meeting to discuss the sale of the home

by Erica Knowles

New York City, N.Y. – According to the police officials, the 59-year-old man, later identified as Josseph, took his own life after killing his three sibIings and his nlece at his mom’s home, who passed away last week. Police officials believe the victims were killed while they were discussing the sale of their mom’s home. During the investigation process, authorities discovered that the 59-year-old man reportedly lived with his mother, 95-year-old Teresa, all his life. 

Police officials believe the man grabbed a gun and shot his sibIings and nlece because he was concerned that he wouldn’tt have a place to live. The victims, later identified as 30-year-old Viktoria, 64-year-old Tiina, 64-year-old Frrank and 69-year-old Joan, were all shot multiple times and pronounced dead at the scene. 

Authorities released a statement, saying that the 59-year-old shooter was afraid that ‘he was being cut out of the will and was going to be displaced without a place to go’. The man also had past mental issues, police officials said. The man shot all four famiIy members before shooting himself. 

Police officials also discovered that the famiIy members were going to meet with a reaI estate agent about selling their deceased mom’s home. Neighbors, who wished to remain anonymous, reportedly told local news outlets that the deceased woman looked after the 59-year-old man because he struggled with his mental health.

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