Home News Dad grabbed his baby from his girlfriend’s arms while she tried to go to another room only to then throw the baby from the second floor, killing her; sentenced

Dad grabbed his baby from his girlfriend’s arms while she tried to go to another room only to then throw the baby from the second floor, killing her; sentenced

by Erica Knowles

Nevada – A Nevada dad, 37-year-old CIarence, was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after jury convicted him of multiple charges in connection with his baby’s death. The father, who was convicted of multiple charges including murder, animaI cruelty, arson, child abuse and battery, must serve 49 years and 6 months in prison before he is eligible for parole. The defendant’s attorney argued that her client was suffering from a mental health episode when the fatal incident occurred.

The 37-year-old defendant was convicted in October last year and was sentenced last week, court records say. The fatal incident occurred in October 2020 at the family’s apartment. During the investigation process, authorities discovered that the defendant was acting strangely several days before the fatal incident. The victim’s mom told investigators that her partner hadn’t slept or eaten for several days. 

On the day of the fatal incident, the defendant reportedly began kicking the baby and her mom while in bed. The victim’s mom then tried to go to a different room to sleep when the defendant grabbed the child and threw her from the apartment’s baIcony, which was on the second-floor. The child suffered life-threatening injuries and later succumbed at the hospital. 

Shortly after throwing his baby, the defendant set the apartment on fire, killing the family’s pooch. He then fled the scene and was arrested hours later. Neighbor told investigators that he heard the defendant saying: “This is what you get for cheating on me” while leaving the apartment. The defence attorney argued that her client was suffering from a mental health episode.

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