Home Louisiana LDWF to send survey to Louisiana waterfowl hunters for feedback on future seasons

LDWF to send survey to Louisiana waterfowl hunters for feedback on future seasons

by Erica Knowles

Louisiana – The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries will begin sending out a survey to Harvest Information Program (HIP) registered Louisiana waterfowl hunters starting Monday, March 17. Selected hunters will receive an email with a link to the survey.

The survey aims to gather vital information on waterfowl hunter activity, satisfaction, and concerns. It will cover various topics, including demographic changes in the hunting community, the structure of hunting seasons, zones and splits, the management of public lands, and potential regulation changes.

The survey is conducted every five years, and this year, LDWF intends to keep it thorough yet concise, with a total of 37 questions that may take around 20 minutes to complete. The next opportunity for wide-scale public input on state waterfowl issues will not occur until 2030.

One key objective of this survey is to guide decisions regarding Louisiana’s zone and split configuration for the 2026-2027 waterfowl season. Hunters will have the chance to either retain the current structure or select from several alternative options. The final decision will be made based on the feedback collected, and the new structure will be in effect until the 2029-2030 season.

Waterfowl hunters who do not receive an email with the survey link should check their spam folders.

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