Home Louisiana Caddo Parish Parks and Recreation, in partnership with former NBA/LSU player, is offering a series of basketball camps for local middle school girls and boys

Caddo Parish Parks and Recreation, in partnership with former NBA/LSU player, is offering a series of basketball camps for local middle school girls and boys

by Erica Knowles

Shreveport, LA – According to the officials, the camps will focus on basketball fundamentals in a fun and safe environment, with Stromile Swift serving as the guest instructor. Each camp is free, but space is limited, and participants must register in advance at caddoparks.org.

Upcoming Camps:

Swift Skills Basketball Camp (Guard Position Camp)
Date: Saturday, October 12th, 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Location: Huntington High School, 6801 Rasberry Ln
Description: This camp targets middle school students in grades 6–8, specifically designed for point guards and shooting guards to improve their dribbling, passing, shooting, and defensive skills.
Registration Deadline: October 11th or until all slots are filled.

Swift Skills Basketball Camp (Big Man Camp aka Bigs)
Date: Saturday, November 9th, 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Location: Huntington High School, 6801 Rasberry Ln
Description: Aimed at forwards and centers in grades 6–8, this camp will help participants develop their dribbling, passing, shooting, rebounding, and defensive skills.
Registration Deadline: November 5th or until all slots are filled.

Swift Skills Basketball Camp (Big Man Camp aka Bigs)
Date: Saturday, December 21st, 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Location: Huntington High School, 6801 Rasberry Ln
Description: This session also focuses on forwards and centers, providing another opportunity to hone fundamental skills.
Registration Deadline: November 14th or until all slots are filled.

Each camp will be held at Huntington High School and aims to develop players’ basketball skills while increasing their understanding of the game.

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