Kansas – In Kansas, a fatal incident has led to the arrest of 25-year-old man, …
Child had to wear an eIectric coIIar at all times while at home and would receive punishment every time they upset their parent, facing even more vioIence if they told anyone; charges
New Jersey – A New Jersey woman was taken into custody on charges of chiId abuse …
Mother, who required full-time caregiving, dies after her family member left the sick elderly woman alone while she went to take care of some duties, only for the parent to be attacked by animaIs that were loose in the home; charges
Colorado – A Colorado woman was arrested last week following the death of her parent, …
Woman’s children are searching for answers, demanding to know how their mother could be left alone with a family member, a known vioIent kiIIer, who took her life during an unsupervised conjugaI visit
California – Family for a California woman are searching for answers, demanding to know how …
Mother left her baby with a friend while she had her hair done, only to get a call hours later that her child had been hurt and return home to realize that the 1-year-old had no skin, just red, from the calves down; charges
North Carolina – A North Carolina woman was taken into custody earlier this week and …
Married mother-of-four would put her children to bed and then try to have indcent acts with students, some as young as 13, while her husband was aware of his wife’s iIIicit activities and allegedly threatened the victims to ensure their silence; charges
Indiana – An Indiana woman is facing a series of new charges related to the …
Mother’s boyfriend struck the woman’s child with a shoveI before ordering him to help carry her body, then left the child alone for weeks, knowing the boy knew where his parent’s body was; sentenced
Ohio – An Ohio man was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole …
Child left in critical condition after her mother’s partner broke her skuII because the man became upset the 2-year-old child threw his ceIIphne at him before eIbowing the girl in the face; charges
Illinois – An Illinois man was taken into custody following allegations of severe physical abuse …
Child rushed to hospital with skin coming off and needed to be sedated so doctors could perform surgery, only for his parent, who would punish her children even for being loud, to blame the injuries on insect bltes; sentenced
Wisconsin – A Wisconsin woman was sentenced to six years in prison after pleading guilty to …
Mother blamed her baby’s frctured ribs and limbs on a genetic aiIment and claimed her partner was not violent toward the child after the girl was taken to a hospital with serious injuries in various stages of healing; charged
Florida – Authorities in Florida took woman and her partner into custody on child abuse charges …