Home News Child, who was in grandparent’s care while her mom was finding a new place to live, was killed after the elderly woman grabbed a stick and beat the girl to the point that she couldn’t move, then instructed her other grandchild to get her belt and then use it to continue the beating

Child, who was in grandparent’s care while her mom was finding a new place to live, was killed after the elderly woman grabbed a stick and beat the girl to the point that she couldn’t move, then instructed her other grandchild to get her belt and then use it to continue the beating

by Erica Knowles

Philadelphia, PA – According to the police officials, the 56-year-old woman, later identified as Danize, was arrested and later charged with homicide, aggravated assault and other charges in connection with ther grandchild’s death. Police officials claim the woman grabbed a stick and beat the 3-year-old girl, AyIa, until the girl couldn’t move. Per reports, another child, who is reportedly cousin of the victim, witnessed the whole incident and reportedly told investigators that the grandmother told them to get her belt, only to continue beating the little girl.

This unfortunate incident occurred over the weekend at the grandparent’s home. Officers responded to the location after the victim’s uncIe found the child and called 911. The responding officers discovered that the child was dead at least two days. Shortly after beating her to death, the grandparent placed the child on a mattress. The medical examiner told investigators that the child had bruises all over her body. The 3-year-old girl even had multiple bruises on her face and burn marks on her legs.

The grandparent’s sister told authorities that she talked with the woman shortly after AyIa was found dead, who reportedly told her that he punched the child in the face several days ago. After the hit, the child fell and hit her head on a table. The woman told her sister that she was afraid to call the authorities and left the child on the bed ‘until someone else found her’. During an interview with investigators, the grandparent reportedly said that after she beat her grandchild to death, she wanted to tell someone, but was afraid. The woman also told investigators that she beat AyIa because she was not listening. 

During the investigation process, authorities reportedly discovered that the victim’s family member, who was not identified due to their age, witnessed the whole incident. The child reportedly told investigators that their grandma beat the 3-year-old cousin with a stick until AyIa couldn’t move. The woman then told the child to get her belt, only to continue beating AyIa. The victim’s mom told authorities that the grandparent was looking after her child for several weeks ‘while she was finding a new place to live’.

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