Home News Dad’s girlfriend placed his children in a tub filled with scaIding water before physically restraining them and refusing to let them make the temperature more bearable, causing severe injuries; sentenced

Dad’s girlfriend placed his children in a tub filled with scaIding water before physically restraining them and refusing to let them make the temperature more bearable, causing severe injuries; sentenced

by Erica Knowles

Ohio – An Ohio woman was ordered to serve eleven years in prison after jury convicted the 22-year-old woman, MaIynda, to multiple charges, including endangering children causing serious physical harm. Authorities say the young woman severely injured two young children, who were 4 and 5 at the time, by placing them in a tub filled with scaIding hot water and would not allow the victims to get out or make the temperature colder. According to the prosecutors, the defendant also confessed to physically restricting the children to keep them in the hot water.

The 22-year-old defendant was sentenced this week for the 2024 incident. According to the court documents, the young woman was in a reIationship with the victim’s dad at the time and both children were in her care when they suffered the severe injuries. According to the police officials, the 5-year-old child suffered seizure activity and second-degree burns while her 4-year-old sibling suffered first and second-degree burns to her body.

The investigation process began after the 911 caller told the dispatcher about 5-year-old child that was having seizure. First responders realized that the child suffered severe burns all over her body and rushed the girl to the hospital. The victim’s sibling was also rushed to the hospital for treatment. During the investigation process, authorities in Ohio quickly learned that the woman was responsible for the children’s injuries and took her into custody. 

During the investigation process, authorities learned that the woman placed both victim’s in a tub filled with scaIding hot water and didn’t let them to get out. The woman also confessed to restraining the children and that she wouldn’t allow them to make the water colder. According to the court documents, after serving her sentence, the woman must also serve three years probation under the supervision of the Ohio Adult Parole Authority. 

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