Home News Mom says her son may never walk again and is praying for miracle after the child was left paraIyzed ‘while trying to avoid being bitten by an insect’

Mom says her son may never walk again and is praying for miracle after the child was left paraIyzed ‘while trying to avoid being bitten by an insect’

by Erica Knowles

Houston, TX – According to the boy’s mom,her 13-year-old son, later identified as Semiyon, was reportedly left paraIyzed after he dived into the shaIIow end of the pooI to avoid being bitten by an insect. The unfortunate mom also said that her son reportedly severed his splne and was left paraIyzed. Unfortunately, the little boy tried to avoid being bitten by an insect, so he jumped head-first into the shaIIow end of the pool.

Per reports, the young boy then hit his head before he started floating on the water with his face down. The boy’s mom, Ana, reportedly told local news outlets that her son was at the local pool with his friend. Her son’s friend initially believed that the boy was playing when they saw him that he wasn’t moving. When they turned him over, the boy reportedly told his friend that he can’t feel anything. .

The 13-year-old was then rushed to the hospital where doctors performed an emergency procedure. The unfortunate mom is afraid that her son may never use his legs again. Doctor reportedly told local news outlets that the boy fractured two vertebrae the 4th and the 5th cervical vertebrae, and fractured parts that are in front and behind the spinal cord, spinal canal which contains the spinal cord.

The doctor also told the outlet that the boy has ‘no motor function or sensory function below the level of injury. He also said that’s not a good indication that he’s going to recover much. The family has launched a fundraiser to help them with their medical bills, which stated: “SI was rushed to the hospital and we received absolutely devastating news. His spinal cord had been severed so badly that he will not have use of his legs and arms. SI has been admitted to PICU. The fractured bones were repaired. However, the spinal cord is the main stem of the body, and we’re being told it’s not repairable.”

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