Home News Mom thought ‘she was taking care of her child’ by giving her lnfant formula mixed with soda until she died from brain injury, sentenced!

Mom thought ‘she was taking care of her child’ by giving her lnfant formula mixed with soda until she died from brain injury, sentenced!

by Erica Knowles

Columbus, OHIO – According to the court documents, the mother, later identified as 41-year-old Tamara, reportedly pleaded guilty to invoIontary mansIaughter and was later sentenced to more than a decade in prison for killing her 4-year-old child. Prosecutors said the child’s care was so bad that it resulted in her death.

Prosecutors also said that the 41-year-old mom reportedly gave her daughter, Karmity, baby formula mixed with soda every day. The child reportedly died from diabetes and her teeth were dissolved. 

According to the court documents, the 4-year-old child reportedly drank carbonated soft drinks  out of a bottle every day, so much so that it rotted all of her teeth out. During the sentencing, the mother reportedly said: “I thought I was taking care of her.” The victim’s dad, 53-year-old Christopher, also pleaded guilty to the same charge and will be sentenced next month. 

According to the court documents, authorities began their investigation two years ago when the child’s mom called first responders after the 4-year-old girl stopped breathing and her skin color turned blue. The medical examiner told investigators that the girl reportedly died from brain injury which was caused by diabetes. The girl’s teeth were also dissolved, the medical examiner told investigators. 

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