Home News Store employee was intubated and is fighting for his life after a customer, who was asked to put his pet back on a Ieash or go outside, refused and instead started punching the victim, joined by the pet, who bit him multiple times

Store employee was intubated and is fighting for his life after a customer, who was asked to put his pet back on a Ieash or go outside, refused and instead started punching the victim, joined by the pet, who bit him multiple times

by Erica Knowles

New York City, N.Y. – According to the police officials, the 35-year-old man from New Jersey, later identified as Tyshuan, was arrested and later charged with attempted murder and assauIt with attempt to cause disfigurement or dismemberment in connection with a Monday night’s incident that left 50-year-old man fighting for his life.

Police officials say the 50-year-old store employee suffered life-threatening injuries from the beating and was rushed to the hospital unconscious. Doctors at the hospital told police that he was intubated and remains in critical condition following the severe injuries. 

This unfortunate incident occurred on Monday after the 35-year-old man and his dog walked into the store where the 50-year-old man, who was not identified, worked. The unidentified employee then asked the man to put his pet back on a leash or go outside. The 35-year-old customer then got angry before he started kicking and punching the employee. The customer’s dog also participated in the fight, biting the employee several times. 

Shortly after, the much older victim was able to get out of the store before he was followed by the attacked, who then again kicked him and knocked him unconscious. The attacker’s dog also kept biting the employee, leaving him seriously injured. Following the incident, the dog was reportedly brought to Animal Care Centers of NYC where he is undergoing a 10-day rabies observation hold.

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