Home Health Singer died of COVID-19 after deliberately exposing herself to the virus in an unwise self-immunization attempt so she can obtain health pass to allow her to visit the theatre

Singer died of COVID-19 after deliberately exposing herself to the virus in an unwise self-immunization attempt so she can obtain health pass to allow her to visit the theatre

by Erica Knowles

According to reports, the 57-year-old singer reportedly died Sunday of COVID-19 after deliberately exposing herself to the virus in an unwise self-immunization attempt. The woman preferred to catch the disease than get the Covid vaccine, so she can obtain a health pass to allow her to visit the sauna and theatre.

The 57-year-old Czech musician, Hana Horka, preferred to catch the disease than get vaccinated, her son, Jan Rek, reportedly said.

Hana was the lead vocalist for the popular international band Asonance. She reportedly wanted a recovery pass to the sauna and theater in her native country, where either proof of vaccination or a recent infection is required to access specific cultural venues, according to reports.

The unvaccinated singer saw an opportunity for the latter after both Rek and his father caught the virus over Christmas despite being vaccinated. And, instead of self-isolating, the 57-year-old woman deliberately hung around the infected family members.

Her son, Jan Rek, reportedly said:

“She should have isolated for a week because we tested positive — but she was with us the whole time.”

Hana revealed her COVID-catching scheme on social media, claiming she was recovering well from the disease.

In one of her last social media posts, the woman reportedly wrote: 

“I survived… It was intense. So now there will be the theater, sauna, a concert… and an urgent trip to the sea. Life is here for me and for you too.”

Unfortunately, 2 days later, the singer reportedly died due to Covid complications. Her son reportedly said that his mother ‘choked to death’ within 10 minutes.

Horka went for a walk outside but when she returned she started to complain about back pain and soon after, died choking in her bed, her son said. 

Her son has since blamed the anti-vaxxer movement for her death, noting that his mom frequently shared anti-vaccine articles to social media. He now hopes his mother’s death will inspire others to get the vaccine.

He reportedly said:

“I know exactly who influenced her. It makes me sad that she believed strangers more than her proper family.

It wasn’t just total disinformation but also views on natural immunity and antibodies acquired through infection.”

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